Mattie was brought to our attention by two people who lived close by. They became aware that he was living on a very short chain, with a metal drum as shelter ( it´s been over 40 degrees this summer!) and they started visiting him and feeding him extra. When his owner agreed to give him up, we took him on, and he is presently in a lovely foster home, learning to enjoy life. The first photo shows his old life, the others where he is now.
He´s only around 12 months old, very well behaved, no accidents in the house, loves the resident dog, so friendly and affectionate. He´s already learning basic obedience, and is going to make some lucky person a wonderful companion.
His exercise is gradually being increased, as he had no muscles after being tied up, and his legs are becoming stronger. There are many different types of Mastin, and Mattie is one of the lovely long legged dogs that are my personal favourite. A beautiful young boy who has been given the chance of a wonderful life….